Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Create a Small Space Container Gardens

Small space container gardening

Container Gardens

Urban living doesn’t mean you can’t create a garden. Spectacular gardens can grow in unexpected places. Here are a few tips on how to create a rooftop or patio garden.

Check Zoning Rules – Before you start, consult your local zoning bylaws, municipal building requirements and your HOA (if you have one). Adding a rooftop or patio garden may require reinforcing the structure and possibly a permit.

Wooden Container gardening Plan Your Space – Decide how you intend to use the space. Once you map out the main design elements, you can plan your container garden around them.

Consider Weight – Keep containers lightweight by using soil-less potting mixes, planter inserts or lightweight containers, especially if you plan on growing plants that require a lot of water.

Choose Sturdy Plants – Pick plants that can handle the elements. Compact shrubs and hardy perennials that are ideal for container gardening include boxwood, cedar, euonymus, ferns, grasses, lavender, yews, dwarf conifers and succulents.

Glass vases on fenceThink Safe and Secure – Consider adding walls or a lattice structure to provide a safety barrier and protect plants from wind damage. It’s also a good idea to secure planters to keep them from toppling over.

Raise Planters – Protect your rooftop or patio from rot and water damage by placing planters on bases or feet to prevent water from pooling underneath. Raising planters also allows for air circulation to the roots, encouraging stronger root development.

Water Regularly – Remember that container gardens are more susceptible to drying out so use moisture-retaining gel grains or mulch to lessen evaporation, or consider installing a drip irrigation system.

Lisa Southern Real Estate is located at 15 E. Martin St. Raleigh, NC 27601. Here is a list of local nurseries that are great for all your gardening needs! If you or someone you know is looking buy or sell a home in the Raleigh area, call us at 919-800-0880 to find out how we can help!  


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